Sir Ken Robinson is an amazing speaker. From the first ten seconds he has you listening attentively. Not only because he has a great sense of humor but because he is truly passionate about what he has to tell you. And his message in this TED talk is all about passion.
Sir Ken makes us think about what we are sharing with our kids. In the days of apprenticeship learning, when our native forefathers taught their son through demonstration, the children were in awe. They weren't disengaged, they weren't bored or acting out because most of everything they were learning was not only relevant to their daily lives but also essential to their community's existence.
What, if anything, valuable are we truly sharing with kids today? And how much say do they get about learning what they are really passionate about? Has over-testing and standardized scoring extinguished the fire of curiosity and creativity? Are we losing sight of our ambition, our motivation, ultimately our happiness? It seems that more people are depressed, burn-out and seeking counseling than ever before.
What can we do as teachers to stop this downward spiral? One thing's for sure. We'd better do something!
Want to know more? Follow up with a CNN interview (below under related articles - thanks Zemanta!) and read people's reactions to it.
If you're so inspired, click the share link and send it to anyone you think might be interested. A revolution can only occur when we all start taking action.
Standardized testing is POLITICAL. It never was "in the interest of the kids" or even "for the greater good of society". It's about making schools into "accountable businesses" that can hopefully show profit over loss. But kids' learning isn't black and white and we shouldn't all be the same. People, and parents in particular, have to stop comparing numbers on a page. Good parents recognize instantly when their child is eager to learn, motivated, excited and curious to know more. When you see a teacher who has inspired that kind of reaction in your child, you know you're onto a winner whether or not they come home with a DRA score of 199!
1 week ago
Actually, the SAT started as a result of the progressive school movement in the 1930s. The idea was to free schools of the constraints of a standard curriculum enabling them to demonstrate that students in progressive ed schools could learn as much, in not more than, students in traditional schools. It provided a standard measure of student achievement across various methods of instruction.